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Saturday, February 23, 2008
THE comments
10:27 PM "I have a bond with some, but the others can be annoying"- I think it is not fair to label anyone. If you find the person annoying, I think you shd try to see the positive side in them instead. If you think that the person may only have bad stuff about them, then the person who needs help, is, unfortunately you. No one is perfect. We all have bad & good sides. It is just a matter of making an effort to get to know the others better. We all tend to form cliques, it is human tendencies. However, it does not mean that we stick only in our cliques. We need to open up, explore coz at the end of the day, the only people who will be left behind, would be people like you & me, if we don't move out of our comfort zones. As for the rest of us, let us be more aware of our habits. Sometimes, we may not realise that what we deem as ok or funny, might actually irritate the others around us. So let us all be more socially conscious alright? :) "I seriously don't know what I can do to help the class, like seriously it is not so easy. I've tried it before, and NOT intending to do it again"- Ok honestly, the moment I read this, my heart sank. How does anyone say that so easily? Worse still, you even made the word 'not' bold & big. If something had happened to you before & you were hurt badly, then I am sorry to hear or realise that. However, if you are allowing the past to slow you down, then I think I feel very sorry for you. Life has to go on & who ever said it was going to be easy to get the class to bond? It is just of matter of putting your mind & soul to it & one thing is for sure, your mind & soul is not here at all. I hope it changes soon. Don't let the past drag you down. No man is an island & if you think you can do everything on your own- just come to sch, stick to a few people & just let life pass you by... then I guess you are wrong. It is just a matter of time that you see it. You sound like a sad person. Hope things get better for you soon & I hope everyone in class makes you realise soon enough, how lucky you are to be a part of E6, '08! "I feel that the class is quite talkative & bias. They only want to help themselves & the people they are close to. They don't see others around them, & do things that might hurt some people. They do not have class unity & seem to be constantly quarelling. If I had the chance, I might not even want to be in this class"- Sad. Very sad to read the last line especially. Sorry you feel so strongly about not wanting to be in this class. I hope the others who seem to be hurting you realise how their actions can upset someone so strongly before it is too late. On your part, it would be grt if you could come see me? I would love to talk to you more. Remember, it takes 2 to clap. Not only shd those who are hurting you stop, but you need to be more optimistic too. You need to realise you need to make the best out of what you have around you. There are good & bad things all around, let us look at the good ones & appreciate them. Let us all look at the bad things as well & see what we can do to make them better. Let us not just sit on our bottoms & expect things to improve themselves. "I have never seen an express class get into so much trouble. Even the N(A) & N(T) classes do not get into as much trouble as us. So many of our classmates are always caught & sent out for their attire. Don't they realise it hurts the rest of us in class?"- All I can say is... I hope these people who are always being caught, realise their actions affect the rest of us, including me. "I think our class monitors are not gd role models at all. Some of them are rude, sarcastic & loud even when some of the trs scold them. Their attire also can be so bad. I also don't like it when some in class crack jokes thinking they are funny. I do not like the disruptions in class at all. I do not like it when the trs have to wake some of the students up. I do not like it that some of them keep smsing during lesson. We are meant to be paying attention. I do not like people who try to be like the others in class, pierce their ears all thinking that they can now be accepted by the others. I hate it when the teacher, like you, Miss Kaur, keeps stopping in between lessons. Like when I am so into the lesson, & then it suddenly just turns to something else. It pulls down the mood of the lessons"- Ok, I agree with you about the disruption of lessons. Will take note of that & ensure that lessons go on as smoothly as possible. Thank you for the feedback. As for the rest, I think all of us just need to read through & reflect. Esp all of us who are being described up there. Whoever wrote this, it is clear you mean well for the class. Your note on your fullscap paper is so long & I can see how you really want to help the class. Good for you :) I am also glad to see how you want everyone to pay attention & progress. Good. Keep influencing the rest! "Class has been a total mess this wk with trs stopping lessons now & then. It really is very irritating. Not many people voice out, because then we would be blamed & shunned by the rest. Some of the guys do not seem to care about the class at all. That's why we are all going in the wrong direction. I do not hate the class, I just do not appreciate the bad habits that are going on in class. People throw sweets around during lesson. I know sweets keep people awake, but then can we do it in a way that does not get the trs angry pls? Can we also stick to our own sitting positions & not disrupt lessons. Some of us just want to study & don't you want to do the same? It is s hard to hard in an environment like this. It really hurts to see people shooting vulgarities at people, who do the right thing! People who do the right thing are usually those who have take the difficult steps! So stop blaming them! Can't they just think of how they must feel when they shoot vulgarities? I want a better class. I am not saying I want to change class. I want to stay in this class, some people are really very kind & gd. But I want some of their attitudes to change. People who sleep in class- STOP! You sleep, you make others around you tired too. I can't sleep at home & I try my best to concentrate in class, but you do not make it easy at all for me. Can we all pls help one another? I really am sick of lessons being interrupted. Enough is enough"- Ok, wow... such valid pts. The disruption of lessons, to the sweets to the sleeping. I hope you are one of those who is able to tell the "disrupters" to stop & change their bad habits. You would be doing a grt thing if you open up to them politely. Hopefully all those who also like to hurt their classmates feelings with vulgarities, then can learn what it means to be polite & not hurt people's feelings. Thank you for your positive attitude in saying you do not want to change class. You just want people to improve. So do the majority of us :) *fingers crossed* "I shut up coz I want to avoid conflicts"- So true. Hope the rest appreciate you keeping it quiet because you care about the welfare of the class. Pls come talk to me instead? Not gd to keep all within you. "The monitors need to start setting good examples"- Yup, I agree. Many of you brought these up. Anyway, I am thinking of having re-lections in 2 weeks. For all 4 of our monitors. If you want you can choose to retain 1-4 of those who are currently the monitors, or you can decide to change them all together. Let us keep/choose people who are willing to do their best & be good role models, as they are meant to be the faces of E6, '08! "The class can change if they are determined enough"- How true. Are we determined enough to change & prove our fantastic we all can be? "Even after our tr wallked out, some of them cursed her"- Is that right? I am sure we have all been brought up to be better than this. Much much better. "Can we make a board that lists all our hw? So that all of us can remember what we need to do & not get into trouble anymore."- Hey, that's a gd idea. Although one of your classmates mentioned how he/she wanted to personalize a board for all of us, I think due to some uforseen circumstances, it did not happen. I shall speak to Joey Su/Choong about this. Thanks for your constructive feedback. "Can we all pls maintain the class cleanliness. When some throw their newspapers & books all over, I find it very hard to concentrate with so many things around me. It is very messy. Can we also have the class time table on the board?"- Ok good one! I will pass both my personal & a copy of the class time table to one of the class monitors on Monday. Make sure it is up there! Also, I have to agree about the class cleanliness. Those on duty remember. Thien Sean, Alcina, Kelly & Shen Hao... remember... you are to ensure class is clean & neat. I, myself, find it difficult to see so much clutter on the floor when I am teaching all of you. No more books around the floor, under your desks, pick up all clutter anywhere and everywhere in the classroom, and always ensure all the chairs are pushed in & tables are straight. I am yearning for us to be called up as one of the cleanest classrooms of the month. I am yearning for us to be mentioned as one of the classes with no demerit pts for that particular month. I am yearning for no latecomers etc. Hope it is a dream which will be a reality for us... soon. Some don't even acknowledge my presence & don't even say hi or wave when they see me outside the classroom"- Can we all take note of this & try to remember we are a part, not apart. Please. "The class is ok. Only some who do not want to remove their ear studs, or cut their long hair etc. If only they are willing to put in the effort & change, I am sure our class can excel even more. Talkative ones shd try to lower their voices & know when it was the right time to express ourselves. If all these can be achieved, the class will be able to learn more so that the trs wd not spend so much time reprimanding us. The class will be so excellent & will be able to achieve so much if everyone's attitude can change"- Whoever you are, you are absolutely correct. I hope everyone realises that as long as they set their minds to it, they can make a positive change. I especially like the part where you have mentioned how we need to know when is the right time to express ourselves. "If people are unhappy with one another, don't talk behind their backs, say it nicely to their faces instead. Can we also do something about 2 of our monitors?"- Hmmm... so we have people who badmouth our own people? Hmmm... Never expected much of this... "I wish our class can show respect to all our teachers. No one even greets them properly"- Yup! I agree! I feel kinda sad sometimes that my own form class does not stand & greet me enthusiastically. Some don't even open their mouths. I hope Tanya & Allen will ensure that as soon as the tr even steps one foot into the classrm, they ask the class to stand. I also hope they set an eg by saying it so enthusiastically. This would hopefully get the rest ready. Although, I think this should be something that should be ingrained in everyone automatically. Put your bks aside & take the other subj bks out. How would you feel if you go "visit" someone & they can't be bothered you are there & just continue doing what they are doing? "I believe that we can be the best class if we put our minds to it & giving up on us should never even be an option that we can afford to take. So we all need to pick ourselves up, we are not babies we do not need anyone to pick us up. Let us persevere & achieve our ideal class goals"- FANTASTIC! Yes yes yes! Yes to everything you have said. "I think people who are asked by trs to stand outside the class should realise that they are missing lessons, disrupting lessons & also putting our class to shame"- What else can I say really. These grp of guys are really starting to upset me... a lot. "Today when our class got into trouble & had to stay back during recess, there were 1-2 people who kept saying it was not their fault so they shdn't be blamed. Yes, maybe it is not their fault per say, but this person did not even help keep the class controlled, calm & quiet. Instead this person keep highlighting how not their fault, not their fault"- What happened to being a part of the class? If you do not think it is your fault, which I am sure it isn't, then do something to make the situation better, not worse. "I also feel that some students get hurt or upset over certain things because some people are too frank and I think they should take things into consideration, of other students' feelings"- Yes, can we all learn to be tactful, polite. We have feelings and that's why tell others off when they upset us, but why should we do the same to them? Not happy say, but NICELY please. "I think it is not nice to insult, hurl vulgarities & talk behind other people's backs. Should we come up with 3E6 rules, maybe it will help. A lot of people are starting to get hurt by other people's actions but are not saying anything about it 1st cos we know they also have feelings & don't want to spoil anything"- Thank you for being so thoughtful. Yes, maybe if things do not get better, maybe we shd have some rules. For now, I still want to try to make all of you act & behave like young adults. Coz one thing is for sure, I know all of you know the good from the bad. It's just a matter of whether you can keep that into consideration. "This week has been bad. I think we all need to communicate better with one another, voice out our problems so that we can just move forward in our studies"- YES YES YES! Let us all practise this! "The guys are all nice, but they just want things their way. Hope they realise they are a part of the class & that there are others in the class. We all need to give & take & not think about ourselves only"- Can we drill this into some of them then? "Some of them are too quiet & do not make an effort to socialise"- Yes I realise this. Hopefully through more class interactions, informal activities, this changes. However, the rest of us also must make the extra effort to involve them MORE actively in class, non-class stuff. Just ask them out sometimes, why not! It takes a grt person to take the 1st active step. Who can this be? "So what if we are a combined science class? We need to all realise we wasted 2007. Do we want to do that again this year!! I think the class is very lively & fun-loving. We just need to know when is the time to work, when it is the right time to play. I like the funny jokes the boys crack, I like the way the girls are so strong-willed and united. I like the boys for well, being boys & doing the normal stuff that they do. I have grown to love this class. However, we are going in the wrong direction. We need to stop taking things for granted. We need to stop thinking: Oh, it's alright, everyone else doesn't do hw, so I also no need to hand up etc. Class unity... but in the wrong light. We need to understand that we need to work together. There is absolutely no co-operation when it comes to the serious stuff. We need to realise the class doesn't revolve around one person, we all have a part to play. We ALL do. While some others try to bring the class going on, other discourage & bring them down. It does not mean aloof is being cool. Some do not even move & help out in class. We are getting sick of cleaning up the mess that most of them leave behind. Stop hiding, and start to FEEL pls. Start FEELING WITH YOUR HEART! Cliques- yes they will always be there. Most are ok as they try to include everyone else, but for some, pls it revolves only around 3-4 of them. And trying to get to know your classmate is impt. Everyone used to hate someone, but I made the effort to know her, & guess what, she isn't so bad. I made another new friend. We need to act responsibly. We need to start acting maturedly. We need to put ourselves in others' shoes. We need to FEEL. We need to get on, move on together. Start loving those around you. They are not thrash or hopeless. Let us ALL help ourselves now. URGENT"- There is a reason why I left this till the end & I have bolded it in red. Wise words. Such truth in them. Ok, so there we go! Let us take into consideration what all have stated & shared. I have put the gist of it all up here. Thank you everyone for sharing. Study hard for your upcoming tests. VERY HARD. I want us all to start moving forwards. No more backwards steps pls. Love, Miss K. Labels: a LONG one |
Shining. 3e6-hyperyo.bs.com :D Welcome to 3e6'o8's blog! Stand Out. With 21guys and 17girls, we make up 3e6'08. 38 different souls, we all fit perfectly well like pieces in a puzzle. We are a part, not apart. Chikucha! :D Bright Stars. 01. Chan Jee Yong 02. Chen Xiuying Alcina 03. Chua Boon Chong 04. Chua Jie En 05. Eatsham Ahsan 06. Gary Ong Qi Xiong 07. Goh Zheng Elvina 08. Grenn Eu Ying Qi 09. Alvin Ho 10. Rebecca Ho 11. Desmond Ho 12. Ho Yong Yi Mick 13. Joanne Chua 14. Joey Choong 15. Joey Su Zi Rong 16. Jovina Ng Qiu Yan 17. Kenneth Chan 18. Khairunnisa 19. Koh Ching May 20. Kwok Zhi Long Allen 21. Lee Chixi Samuel 22. Lee Choon Kwan 23. Jovon Lee 24. Lim Hui Juan 25. Lim Jia Jun 26. Lim Thien Sean 27. Lim Xin Yi 28. Lin Xiao Jing 29. Muhammad Syafiq 30. Neo En Wei 31. Neo Wei Hao 32. Rachel Lam 33. Rachel Lim 34. Soo Kelly 35. Tanya Singh 36. Tay Shen Hao 37. Wang Zhi Sheng 38. Wong Shin Wei 39. Ms Kaur :D |